Feminism Series

Eleanor Roosevelt and Sakiko Saito
60″ x 60″
Encaustic with paper, resin, crystals, and wool on birchwood panels

Storming the Capitol
60″x 60″
Encaustic with crystals, plexiglass, and paper on birchwood panels

The Pandemic Begins
36″x 108″
Encaustic on birchwood panels

Nancy Pelosi: Know Your Power
60″x 60″
Encaustic with crystals, paper, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Suffrage Cat
60″ x 80″
Encaustic with paper, crystals, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Sandy Hook
60″x 60″
Encaustic with crystals, foam, paper, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Election 2016
60″x 60″
Encaustic with crystals, paper, troll doll, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Me Too
Encaustic with crystals, paper, flowers, plastic dragonflies, plexiglass and LEDS on birchwood panels

Wendy and Hillary
Encaustic with crystals on birchwood panels

60″x 90″
Encaustic with crystals, paper, wire, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Encaustic on panel
14″ x 42″

Border Crisis
60″x 60″
Encaustic with Swarovski crystals, plexiglass, paper, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Pandemic Wedding
36″x 108″
Encaustic with crystals, paper, and silver lace on birchwood panels

Old film, New Film
60″ x 60″
Encaustic with paper, crystals and string lights on birchwood panels

Women’s March 2017
60″x 96″
Encaustic with paper, crystals, yarn, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Ida B Wells
60″x 60″
Encaustic with paper, crystals, and LEDs on birchwood panels

Malala and Maria
Encaustic with crystals on birchwood panels
60”x 60”

The Story of the Ham
Encaustic with crystals on birchwood panels
60”x 60”

Suffragists and Earthquakes
60″x 60″
Encaustic with crystals, buttons, and lamp prisms on birchwood panels

Suffragist and Zombies
60”x 60”
Encaustic with crystals on birchwood panels

Alice Dreaming
30″ x 44″
Encaustic and crystals on birchwood panels
Installation Images
BlackRock Center for the Arts, Gaithersburg Maryland

About the Paintings
I didn’t have much of an opinion on history classes as a child—they never seemed relevant to my life. After all, history was the tale of men: great men, awful men, and men who walked the grey in between.
Women, on the other hand, well… they existed primarily in references to wives named “Martha”, with any real significance left off the page.
History didn’t connect with me until I rented a studio and started painting at the Workhouse Arts Center , formerly the Occoquan Workhouse, until prison beds were carted out and drywall carried in.
This place has so much history that it has its own museum. Next door at the Occoquan Park a large feminist memorial is being planned to honor the women imprisoned here in 1917.
Suddenly, I was putting brush to canvas in the same place that Suffragists refused to put fork to mouth, where they engaged in hunger strikes that swayed the opinion of a nation and won them—won me—the right to vote.
While some men were allies in the movement, women led, women fought; women undeniably filled the history books. I began a series of paintings honoring the Suffrage Movement, depicting everything from prison guards fighting the hunger strikes by cooking fragrant hams to how the women risked leprosy in the showers in jail.
The more I learned, the more I realized that modern women around the world are still fighting for the same rights as those Suffragists did way back when.
Some days, it also seemed to me that American women are now fighting to keep those voting rights and other rights that were slowly won over the years. Thus, I finished my feminism series with a few paintings showing modern women’s struggles, and our current crop of brave women who fight the fight.
The power of art is only partially held in what viewers see on the canvas. The true power is in changing how viewers see the rest of their lives. In my encaustic paintings, layering wax like the accumulation of history, I seek to remind women and girls of their potential to change the world.