Virginia Public Media

Thank you, Louise Ricks, for interviewing me concerning Women’s Suffrage, the Workhouse Arts Center and my paintings! To read more, please go...

Malala and Maria

MALALA AND MARIA, Encaustic with crystals, 2013, 60”x60” This painting shows two women known for leading protest movements across the world. Malala Yousafzai is an activist who, at the age of fifteen, survived being shot in the head by Taliban supporters for...


 WETA ARTS, . Please watch this upcoming episode. It is part of a show focusing on local arts institutions’ response to the pandemic and it...

Wendy and Hillary

This painting shows two women politicians known for fighting for the rights of women. Wendy Davis, a Texas state senator, received national attention when she held a thirteen-hour filibuster against a measure intended to restrict abortions across the state, thus...

Women’s March

On January 21, 2017, the day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, between three and five million people joined the Women’s March protests across the United States, the largest protest in American history.  That day, between 1 and 1.6 percent of all...


On August 12, 2017, a group of right-wing protestors gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, to oppose the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Carrying torches and other racist paraphernalia, the protestors were faced down by many counter-demonstrators opposed to...